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HCL teams up with Oncor, the largest Power Distribution Compnay in Texas, to provide seamless grid management operations and corporate functions.
Cloud computing has been evident in web-based applications which store documents and spreadsheets in remote locations so they can be accessed in any location using the web
HCLT ISDs XpressMigrate suite offers benefits such as centralized deployment of Desktop OS and applications, automated process to enterprises, with minimum manual intervention, high visibility, reporting and simplified image management.
The global IT services major has been widely recognized for its unique 'Employee First' management philosophy
HCL Technologies is eyeing added opportunities in integrating infrastructure services with application services.
The new partnership would enable banks to connect, consolidate and standardize both internal bank data and customer-submitted data into a common data model and repository for credit, risk, and relationship management
HCL is introducing rural ATMs which will be deployed by banks in locations with relatively low transaction volumes. This initiative is aimed at providing a helping hand in banks efforts toward financial inclusion.
While many of the deals closed during the year came at lower prices than earlier, the good news is that analysts believe prices are stabilizing.
The IT managed services industry is going to see a boom in the coming years with both large and SMB sector seeing significant boost to their sales, via managing their operating costs.
Analysts say that there is going to be a revival of global offshoring with a strong emergence of the SaaS model and cloud computing.

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