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Deploying a global service delivery model by leveraging the benefits of various geographies and ensuring ultimate risk mitigation and an optimum balance between client satisfaction, quality and cost assumes significance in the present day business environment.
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Dells latest offerings reflect a new focus on services and solutions as opposed to being just a hardware provider
The Global Information Technology Report 2009-2010 rankings, released by the World Economic Forum, has Sweden on top of the list. This is the first time that Sweden features on top.
BI/data warehousing industry IT outsourcing (ITO) user survey investigates contracts held by ITO users
The company sees the award as endorsing the innovative ways in which its aerospace customers in Asia-Pacific have achieved business benefits by maximizing their enterprise productivity and asset utilization with iMRO
Featured Articles
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The advent of remote network operations centre (NOC) services had heralded the arrival of Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) in India during the year 2000. Though it had been a slow starter, the adoption of RIM has picked up by enterprises during the past two years. This may be attributed to the rise in demand with companies such as HCL Comnet ushering in a new RIM that held within itself globally benchmarked solutions and processes.
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HCL has been 100 percent responsible for Cummins infrastructure growth trajectory, says Vernon Wilson, Executive Director, CBS IT
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SaaS (software-as-a-services), managed services and a new set of business models are expected to be deployed on an increasing scale with IT budget constraints being impacted, according to research firm International Data Corp (IDC).

Tools & Processes Network & Security Services Application Operations Datacenter Virtualization End User Computing
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McKinsey predicted a couple of years ago that by 2020 IT would be the largest polluter of the earth and would produce carbon dioxide more than even th...
Cloud Computing represents one of the most significant shifts in information technology many of us are likely to see in our lifetimes. Reaching the po...
If cloud was the buzzword of 2009, then data protection of cloud computing has been the muse of 2010. European leaders and ENISA (European network and...

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